Thursday, March 7, 2013

How to create Dynamic Tab in ASP.Net

  I have a project where a page has a tab control with two static tabs. But more tabs and controls can be added with those fixed tab dynamically.These tabs and controls are defined in masters properly. It was really a interesting and challenging work for me. Also DataBase operations are there. For this project I needed AJAX tab container (N.B: how to use AJAX in Asp.Net? Please search and follow the procedure). Here I have used LINQ . I am retrieving data from Master Table and creating Tab and Controls Dynamically

N.B: It is not bound that we will use LINQ . You can use other way like DataReader or  DataAdaptor


  Static Design View :

    <form id="form1" runat="server">
    <asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server">
        <asp:TabContainer ID="TabContainer1" runat="server">
         <asp:TabPanel ID="TabGeneral" runat="server">
               //Add Controls As per your requirements

        <asp:TabPanel ID="TabGeneral1" runat="server">
               //Add Controls As per your requirements


  Dynamic Code :

 using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using AjaxControlToolkit;

namespace Website

    public partial class Inventory_DynamicTab : System.Web.UI.Page

      //Declare Variables and Objects
        TabPanel pnl;
        Table tbl;
        TableRow tbr;
        TableCell tcl;
        Button objButton;
        Button objButtonReset;
        Button objButtonSelect;   
        DropDownList objDDL;
        Label objLavel;      
        TextBox objTextBox;      
        CalendarExtender objCalender;

       protected void Page_PreInit(object sender, EventArgs e)


            catch (Exception ex)

        void fillTabname()

            var lnqParameter = (from Item in GetTabSequence() // own query to get data from DB
                                orderby Item.Sequence
                                select Item.TabName).Distinct();
            if (lnqParameter.ToArray().Length > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < lnqParameter.ToList().Count; i++)

                     pnl = new TabPanel();
                    pnl.HeaderText = lnqParameter.ToList()[i].ToString();
                    pnl.ID = (i).ToString();

                    tbl = new Table();
                    tbl.BorderColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black;
                    tbl.ID = i.ToString();

                    TabContainer1.Tabs[i + 1].Controls.Add(tbl);

                    //// table
                    var lnqParameterCount = from Item in GetSequence()
// own query to get data from DB
                                            orderby Item.Sequence
                                            where Item.TabName == pnl.HeaderText 

                                            select new
                                                fieldId = Item.Field_ID,
                                                fieldNm = Item.FieldName,
                                                fieldNm_Id = Item.Field_Name_ID,
                                                fieldType = Item.Control_type,
                                                multipleRow = Item.Multiple_Rows,
                                                sequence = Item.Sequence,
                                                maxlength = Item.Max_Length
                    if (lnqParameterCount.ToList().Count > 0)

                        for (int j = 0; j < lnqParameterCount.ToList().Count; j++)

                            objLavel = new Label();
                            objTextBox = new TextBox();
                            objButton = new Button();

                            if (j <= 6)
                                if (lnqParameterCount.ToList()[j].fieldType == "TextBox" )
                                    objLavel.Text = lnqParameterCount.ToList()[j].fieldNm.ToString() + " :";
                                    objLavel.Width = 90;
                                    objLavel.Height = 15;
                                    objLavel.Font.Size = FontUnit.Smaller;

                                    objTextBox.ID = lnqParameterCount.ToList()[j].fieldId.ToString() + "_" + "Txt" + lnqParameterCount.ToList()[j].fieldNm_Id.ToString() + "_" + pnl.ID;
                                    objTextBox.Width = 120;
                                    objTextBox.Height = 15;
                                    objTextBox.MaxLength = int.Parse(lnqParameterCount.ToList()[j].maxlength.ToString());

                                    tcl = new TableCell();

                                    tbr = new TableRow();
                                    tbr.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Cyan;
                                    tbr.Width = 100;
                                    tbr.BorderWidth = 5;

                                else if (lnqParameterCount.ToList()[j].fieldType == "Dropdown" )

                                    objLavel.Text = lnqParameterCount.ToList()[j].fieldNm.ToString() + " :";
                                    objLavel.Width = 90;
                                    objLavel.Height = 15;
                                    objLavel.Font.Size = FontUnit.Smaller;
                                    //objComboBox = new ComboBox();
                                    objDDL = new DropDownList();
                                    objDDL.ID = lnqParameterCount.ToList()[j].fieldId.ToString() + "_" + "Cmb" + lnqParameterCount.ToList()[j].fieldNm_Id.ToString() + "_" + pnl.ID;
                                    objDDL.Width = 120;
                                    objDDL.Height = 20;
                                    objDDL.SelectedIndexChanged+=new EventHandler(objDDL_SelectedIndexChanged);

                                    tcl = new TableCell();

                                    tbr = new TableRow();
                                    tbr.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Cyan;
                                    tbr.Width = 100;
                                    tbr.BorderWidth = 5;

                                    var getCmbData = from data in GetSequenceDetails()
// own query to get data from DB
                                                     where data.ParameterID == int.Parse(lnqParameterCount.ToList()[j].fieldId.ToString()) && data.Reference_Parameter_ID == 0
                                                     select data;

                                    if (getCmbData.ToList().Count > 0)

                                        List<TAGGING_Property> colors = new List<TAGGING_Property>();
                                        TAGGING_Property objcol = new TAGGING_Property();
                                        objcol.Data_Value = "Field_ID";
                                        objcol.Data_Display = "Select";
                                        foreach (TAGGING_Property country in getCmbData.ToList())
                                        string idd = objDDL.ID.ToString();
                                        objDDL.DataSource = colors;
                                        objDDL.DataTextField = "Data_Display";
                                        objDDL.DataValueField = "Field_ID";
                                        objDDL.SelectedIndex = 0;
                                else if (lnqParameterCount.ToList()[j].fieldType == "Calender" )
                                    objCalender = new CalendarExtender();
                                    objLavel.Text = lnqParameterCount.ToList()[j].fieldNm.ToString() + " :";
                                    objLavel.Width = 90;
                                    objLavel.Height = 15;
                                    objLavel.Font.Size = FontUnit.Smaller;

                                    objTextBox.ID = lnqParameterCount.ToList()[j].fieldId.ToString() + "_" + "Txt" + lnqParameterCount.ToList()[j].fieldNm_Id.ToString() + "_" + pnl.ID;
                                    objTextBox.Width = 120;
                                    objTextBox.Height = 15;
                                    objTextBox.MaxLength = int.Parse(lnqParameterCount.ToList()[j].maxlength.ToString());
                                    objCalender.TargetControlID = objTextBox.ID;
                                    objCalender.Format = "dd/MM/yyyy";

                                    tcl = new TableCell();

                                    tbr = new TableRow();
                                    tbr.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Cyan;
                                    tbr.Width = 100;
                                    tbr.BorderWidth = 5;



                    objButton = new Button();
                    objButton.Text = "Save";
                    objButton.ID = pnl.ID + objButton.Text;
                    objButton.Width = 80;
                    objButton.Height = 25;
                    objButton.Click += new EventHandler(objButton_Click);

                    objButtonReset = new Button();
                    objButtonReset.Text = "Reset";
                    objButtonReset.ID = pnl.ID + objButtonReset.Text;
                    objButtonReset.Width = 80;
                    objButtonReset.Height = 25;
                    objButtonReset.Click+=new EventHandler(objButtonReset_Click);




Wednesday, March 6, 2013

How to loop through all the controls in Active Tab of ASP.NET Ajax TabContainer

 In this code I have cleared all  Textbox of my Active Tab Panel  in the AJAX Tabcontainer control.


 AjaxControlToolkit.TabContainer container = (AjaxControlToolkit.TabContainer)TabContainer1;        
                foreach (object obj in container.ActiveTab.Controls)
                    if (obj is Control)
                        Control c = (Control)obj;
                        if (c is System.Web.UI.WebControls.Table)
                            Table tbl = c as Table;
                            foreach (object rw in tbl.Rows)
                                TableRow tbr = rw as TableRow;
                                foreach (object cl in tbr.Cells)
                                    TableCell tcl = cl as TableCell;
                                    foreach (object ctl in tcl.Controls)

                                        if (ctl is System.Web.UI.WebControls.TextBox)
                                            TextBox txt = ctl as TextBox;                                          
                                            txt.Text = "";



